Sunday, February 03, 2008

Lost: The Beginning of the End

The return of Lost was like the SuperBowl of science fiction for me. I was really excited. I watched the pre-game show (Lost: Past, Present and Future). I didn't throw a big party or paint my face. The best part about it is that everyone came out a winner.

Instead of flashbacks we are getting flash forwards. Hurley goes mad and ends up in an insane asylum. After the writers killed off Charlie, this is the only way to keep him on the roster. I also want to add that the summer break was really good to Charlie. His look worked for me. He had a really nice rugged, handsome thing going on.

Hurley. *sighs* Not that the insane thing is boring, I just don't want to see my favorite character going through this. On a brighter note, he got his very own creepy Haitian ala Heroes. Hurley also makes a curious comment that he wished that he'd have gone with Jack instead of staying on the island with that crazy assed Locke. To his credit, his logic was sound at the time. Charlie said it was a bad idea, listen to Charlie so that Charlie wouldn't have died for nothing. Hurley also mentioned "The Oceanic Six". If this means that only six people survived, I sense some traumatic TV viewing in our future.

The way people get killed but don't die right away annoys me on this show. Naomi gets knifed in the back by crazy man Locke. She slinks away like she's Sylar. She leaves a fake blood trail, gets on another trail, manages to climb a tree, attack Freckles, put a knife to Freckles' throat, have a change a heart, fumble around with a sat. phone then die a great and dramatic kung fu death.

I like how Jack was actually going to shoot Locke. If that gun wasn't loaded John would have been a dead man. I didn't think Jack had the stones. Way to go Jack but next time use your own loaded gun.

Lost had a good return. I wasn't disappointed and I hope they keep up the good work.

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