Saturday, March 05, 2005

Point Pleasant better than Enterprise?

ScifiWire: top SF&F Network TV Shows
1. Desperate Housewives 14 <--- This is now Science Fiction and Fantasy guys so it's okay to admit you watch it. :D
2. Lost 11.6 <--- A given.
3. Medium 9.2 <--- Way to go!
4. Joan of Arcadia 5.0 <--- No comment.
5. Smallville 3.1 <--- I've been keeping up. It's still watchable. They've been chilling out of the showers but they've replaced it with visits to the hospital.
6. Point Pleasant 2.6 <--- Even first season Enteprise is better than this garbage.
7. Charmed 2.0 <--- I'm behind on this show. It's been kinda blah lately.
8. Enterprise 1.8 <--- *shakes head*

Source: Nielsen Galaxy Report, 2/7/05 - 2/13/05. Fewer than 10 entries appear this week, because fewer than 10 original SF&F programs aired during the week on broadcast networks.

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