Dragon Page's Cover to Cover podcast with Matthew Stover. He wrote the novelization of Star Wars- EPIII - Revenge of the Sith . That guy was so into the book and the story that I totally forgot how disappointed I was with Attack of the Clones. He's making me anticipate May 19th like it was December 25 when I was 5 years old. If you are going to listen to anything about the movie before hand, this podcast is it!
For the record, I loved The Phantom Menace. Liam Neeson made that movie for me. I can watch that movie over and over just for him as Qui-Gon. Now, that's a man! How he stood there with his hair blowing in the wind and light saber just bouncing about. WHOOOO! He made me moan a PG-13 moan! More like an R or NC-17 but enough about that. Liam Neeson pretty much cancelled out Jar-Jar for me. When I tell people I loved Episode I, they always go on about Jar-Jar. I'm always like, "Oh right, I forgot about Jar-Jar." Then they give me this look. Usually it's a guy. When I tell a chick I liked Episode I, she knows what I'm talking about.
The only thing that was a chore about EPII was Hayden Christensen and the factory scene near the end where they were on the assembly belts. *cringe* I rolled my eyes through some of the actions scenes after that because they were so typical. Other than that, I loved the movie. Hayden's accent is just wrong and it makes him sound weird. It's noticeable enough to be irritating. I watched EPII last night and I convinced myself that Anakin wasn't so bad after all. I even got choked up.
I liked Obi-Wan in this movie BUT Ewan McGregor is no Liam Neeson. Ewan is to hot as Liam is to SCORCHIN'!
I have to calm down a bit because with all of this excitement, I'm setting myself up for disappointment like with that god awful third Matrix debacle. ^@*&%#$!
Anyhoo... I watched Episode 1 the other night and when I saw the two headed alien hosting the pod race, I SO thought of Michael & Evo. Of course, I had to take it a step further. Like it?

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