Saturday, November 05, 2005

ADHD Review: Threshold

I don't review or recap. If you haven't seen the episode, you won't know what I'm talking about.
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From watching this weeks episode, I think that the Threshold program is not working. The situation is out of control. There are too many different out breaks of the alien virus and I feel that they are loosing their fight on containment and control. I know that the show is fiction but it also has be believable. In this latest episode, we find out that the infectees are injecting people with their own infected blood and growing food using water infected with their blood. Insects also became infected. Once insects are infected, the variables can be endless.

What about the discovery of the growing crystals on the ship in the sea. This thing gets bigger everyday. The water is contaminated. WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!

This show is almost becoming as overwhelming as a zombie attack with no pay off. I'll still watch it but it is almost reaching the tedious zone for me.

CBS Friday's: Threshold

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