Saturday, November 05, 2005

NaNoWriMo: Alien Intelligent Designers

Alien Eye (read: probe) for a Human Guy

I'll agree with Intelligent Design only if people agree that God is an alien and created the earth from a space ship. If you can't agree to my terms, I'm sticking with evolution. I like evolution, evolution is sexy. My only problem with evolution is that it takes so dang long to see any real results. Personally, all of this talk of Intelligent Design should prove that some humans are incapable of evolving.

Speaking of evolution, does Stephen Hawking have any kids? I'd like to volunteer for In Vitro Fertilization. Seriously.

NaNoWriMo: Blogging While Intoxicated Day - November 5, 2005
This beer is filling my bladder. Oh how I want one of those Serenity diapers now.

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