Sunday, January 08, 2006

SciFriday: Premiere Week 1/6/06


What I miss the most about the Mid-Season SciFriday Premiere is the Pre-Season Summary Show like they aired at the beginning of the season. I understand that it's mid-season and we all need to see Firefly a hundred more times but the pre-show is essential to the build up for the coming season and I missed it.

I'm under the weather so my thoughts are a bit scattered. (Thanks NyQuil!) I just wanted to get the post out, I'll make it coherent and/or clarify things later.

Stargate: SG1 - Fourth Horsemen, Part 2
It was good to see Tony Todd and William B Davis again as usual. To bad about Louis Gosset Jr's character, maybe he's ascended and not really "dead" dead. I think Ben Browder is growing well into the character now. The wise cracks are the best and damn the boy looks good in military gear. What I really want though is for Daniel Jackson to be smart again. I miss him being able to break codes and such. Teal'c scowled and growled the whole episode. It love him but the guy needs to discover a Jaffa pleasure planet or something. This thing with the Ori is slightly interesting but I'm kinda tired of it. It didn't pack the punch that I wanted BUT it was still a loveable episode.

Stargate: Atlantis - The Hive
The red-headed middle child of SciFriday. I watch this show but just hasn't compelled me to put the dollar in the g-string. Rodney McKay has evolved into the star of the show some how. I thought it was supposed to be Sheppard or Weir.
In this episode, The Wraith became The Borg. I wonder why someone didn't learn the "don't- add- a- queen" lesson from Star Trek: Voyager. The show is a tad predictable still BUT it's fun and safe.
The fact that I don't have more to say about this show bothers me. Maybe my expectations soared a bit too high during the LONG wait for new episodes to return.

Battlestar Galactica - Resurrection Ship, Part 1

They are getting too dark, too intense way too fast. The writers outdid themselves with the rape last episode and now we have the President talking about killing an Admiral? That's just getting out of hand. I loved it but it challenged what I'm used to seeing in modern science fiction shows. I know that the President killing or thinking of it is not unprecedented (remember the Cylon that she threw out of the airlock) but her suggestion seems so out of the blue and almost to cold for her character. I get that the Admiral is out of control but she is right for wanting to execute the chief and Helo. I would support her if she didn't have such a vigilante crew that went around raping robots and killing civilians. I get the point that this civilization is "on the raggedy edge" of space, I get that rules have to be re-imagined, I don't get how there wasn't some other strategy being kicked around to deal with the Admiral Cain. The only thing I can think of is that I've been spoiled by Star Trek... and this ain't Star Trek. In my opinion, this episode was THE episode that set BSG apart from anything else on TV ever.

And what about the balls on Starbuck? I'm saying this now. SHE has more balls that the male Starbuck on the original series! I wonder who's still bitching about her being a female?

I can't wait until next week!

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