Saturday, June 24, 2006

Keep Star Wars Geek on Big Brother

TheForce.Net - Latest News - More Star Wars On Big Brother

"As you know CBS last summer featured a self described Star Wars fanatic on thier show CBS's Big Brother 6, Summer of Secrets and it was a huge success.
In response, Master Replicas made Howie Gordon thier offical "spokesperson" for thier FX Lightsaber's line of collectables. As fate would have it, CBS has given Howie Gordon another chance to be in the Big Brother household and that can mean, more FX Saber duels and more chances to hear about Star Wars across the International airwaves and more exspoure in the Star Wars Fan community. [typos left as written. ed]

I'd like to point everyone to, and vote for Howie Gordon for CBS's Big Brother 7 ALL STARS Edition!

Last summer, we able to watch one of our own go out there and have a chance at a huge cash prize to which I am sure would have filled some holes in some of our collectors. As a community I believe we should stand behind one of our own and at least help in voting him into the Big Brother 7 and make STAR WARS apart of our summer experience and enjoy the adventures of "Jedi" Howie Gordon."

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