Sunday, September 17, 2006

Second Life Party for 7th Son

I'm looking forward to the first ever Second Life Book Release party for the podiobook 7th Son. We got the Second Life party started a week early with a chat!

Click the pics for larger image. From left to right: The Fried Geek, Synergy, JC Hutchins and me!

Fried Geek, Synergy, JC Hutchins, Cat

Me, in Second Life. This looks nothing like me, I'm hotter in Real Life. I won my 7th Son t-shirt in a "dance battle" with The Fried Geek. :) Synergy gave us all wings. Too bad I didn't get a shot of that. We were trying on some pretty outrageous wings... cannabis wings?!?!

If you ever want to add me as a friend, my Second Life name is Trinity Hartunian. Be sure to let me know you read my blog so I don't think you are some creepy teenager looking for cyber "thrills".

Cat - SciFi Ranter Girl - Trinity Hartunian

This is the Lipstick Aliens Podcast player on Podcast Island.

Lipstick Aliens Pickle Player

Don't forget to join the party on this Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 7pm PST.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Crimany! What is up with my hair!?!

-The FriedGeek